Thursday, 13 March 2008

Some early lessons...

Over the last two days I've been making the final preparations for my first wild camping trip. My primary concern was arriving at the situation where we're up in the fells and I find I've forgotten something crucial - like my sleeping bag. Having packed everything into my rucksack I have a new concern, it is one that I'm sure plagues every wild camper at first, and this is weight. I've tried to only bring the essentials but it feels like I'm carrying the sherpa! One lesson learned - must buy lighter and smarter equipment. There is still chance for me to prove this can be done on a budget though and I suspect even the items I deem 'essential' now could be stripped out, but we'll see. I'll be posting some pics and text on this blog over the trip (providing I have a signal) so check back over the next few days for some ridiculousness!

1 comment:

Chumplotte said...

Good luck Chump. Am sure you'll have a great time... and probably some snow too! x