Its been a little quiet here lately and there is good reason. For those who have not undergone a kitchen refit themselves yet, my advice is this: Get a man in. A man whose job it is to fit kitchens for money. In fact get more than one. Get one to specialise in each of the annoying areas of the kitchen that will no doubt present itself as a problem and that way, you don’t have to deal with it when it does! Its pretty much done now though so on to more interesting things…..
Just because the kitchen takes over my life for a while doesn’t mean I can’t treat myself to some panels of Pertex Equilibrium, cunningly disguised and presented as a mid-layer smock! I’ve been on the hunt for something to replace my Berghaus micro fleece that I’ve been using as a mid-layer. I pondered every type and style of ‘soft-shell’ and finally lost the will to live. I’ll say a bit more about this in a separate post as it may help others but my plan is buy a few and through process of elimination work out which one to keep. The first round is between the Rab Vapour Rise Smock and the Montane Scarab. Both are Pertex Equilibrium and offer very similar spec. Not as light as I’d prefer but a good place to begin. Depending on the outcome I may return both and move on to other offerings but for now these meet my criteria on paper. The Rab top arrived yesterday amidst kitchen construction mayhem – A circular saw in one hand and the parcel in the other it was a test of my metal to carry on working. Initial impressions are good, it feels soft and comfortable and the fit is pretty much perfect in small. The hood seems well made and the stitching in general (despite many owner reviews) is fine. More on this when the Scarab arrives later today and I’ve had a chance to compare.
What with the kitchen and other social commitments I’ve not spent a night on a hill lately, but all is not lost as Charl and I are off to the Scottish Highlands. We’re headed for Strathyre Forest for a long weekend and I cannot wait. Charl even bought some New Balance trail shoes so (to my surprise) we might even get a walk in!
Aside from all of this there are stirrings in the force and all I’ll say at the moment is that I may have found the basis my first epic backpacking trip. Its not a TGO crossing but its a start……