Friday, 22 May 2009

All Settled at Easedale Tarn.

Got caught in an enormous amount of traffic so even though i left work at 3.10pm i didn't arrive at the church in Grasmere until gone 8pm! Bugger! I quickly put the bag on and pretty much ran up the path via sourmilk gill to Easedale Tarn. It was obvious to me that i wouldn't make it to Stickle Tarn for a decent time and I decided to look for a pitch around Easedale. There was a mist hanging in the basin of the surrounding fells but i took to higher ground to find a spot.
I favoured the south edge just up off the path but as i scanned the hills i spotted a tent at the perfect pitch! I finally decided i'd make my way around to the east and found a great spot raised up just on the waters edge. I wbs soon into pitch mode and soon had the tent up, bag unpacked and the sleeping bag out and lofting. After a quick call home I fired up the stove for a brew followed by beef and potato dust. Yum!
I've cleaned up and sorted a few camp chores and i'm just about to get into bed. There's a lot of moisture in the air tonight and i'll expect rain and a bit of wind lates too.
A podcast and a wee nip of courage and i'll be out like a light!

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