Monday, 30 April 2012

24 Hours – A short film what I did make….

Tis true. This here twerp tried to make a short film and the amateurish (or just terrible) result of this can be found here and below.

Time-lapse Capturing a time-lapse on Stone Arthur

I took myself off to the Lakes in July last year with aim of filming and putting together a short film on wild-camping that would be beautiful and engaging but sadly my lack of planning, camera skills and the weather meant we have this to endure instead! My plan was for this to be more documentary style but the weather and poor sound meant all of my piece to camera segments had to be abandoned. I managed to get a couple of time-lapses and some set pieces that I have tried to cobble together but my next attempt will be much better – promise!

I wanted to learn a bit about filming and and editing and to that end I guess I’m better informed but there is clearly a long way to go! I do think I’m better informed now and will approach my next trip slightly differently with a view to getting the shots I need rather than the ones I can. I have been experimenting with time-lapse photography since Norway and I hope to incorporate a few more of these in future shorts.


24 Hours - A Micro-Adventure In The Lake District from Marcus Gough on Vimeo.


brett said...

nice work! can't wait to get out there again... winter has been long!

MixedUpMessedUp said...

Nice.vid - looks you had great weather

Marcus said...

Cheers Brett. You fancy making any movies whilst you're at it?

Alan Sloman said...

I really enjoyed that, Marcus.
A great taster for anyone considering having a stab at it.

Well done - Looking forward to the next one now!

Marcus said...

Aw fanks Alan. Need to step my game up for the next one....

Mark said...

Great that - looking forward to your next stab!