Saturday, 14 March 2009

Lunch at Easedale Tarn.

Well i'm here and i've just stopped for some grub. It's windy and the stove doesn't like it much. Nice day for a walk though. On to stickle tarn next and then onto harrison stickle. Hope wind dies down for the camp tonight but hey can't have it all!


kate said...

we were up in the lakes this weekend-it was certainly 'exhilarating' on the tops ;)

The Camping Stove Store said...

Easedale Tarn, a great stop for lunch, incredibly moody place though!

Great view of the Tarn from Deer Bields and the path up between Eagle Crag and Codale Tarn is one of our favourites!

Marcus said...

Hi folks.

It was a great walk but sadly I didn't wild camp as planned. I finished lunch and headed up the path with a view to making my way up and back down to Stickle Tarn. People I'd passed coming back down had warned about how windy it was but I needed to see for myself. I continued on as planned but it was blowing far to hard to pitch the tent. I sulked all the way back into Grasmere!

Its an awesome route though and really can't wait to return for another go!