Tuesday, 27 January 2009

Video Diary – A Winter Wild Camp

First things first: I'm sorry.

I've been having problems with file compatibility in Windows Movie Maker and Adobe Premier Pro (V1.5) so it's taken me until now to put this together. I'm new to video (as you will quickly see) so hence the apology.

Anyway I had a mammoth converting session over the weekend so now I can edit all those clips taken on my mobile - Sweet! It wasn't until I started the editing though that I realised that the content isn't as good as my disillusioned mind had me believe! Having spent the time converting them I'd gone too far to turn back and so here is a compilation of video taken from our first winter wild camp on a beautiful weekend last November in the English Lake District.

I've tried a little workaround to link to the higher quality version but if it doesn't work the YouTube is here

P.S. We’re not normally this idiotic – Honest.


Anonymous said...

Ace! That was so lucky on Scafell Pike, what a view, makes wildcamping really worthwhile doesn't it!!

Marcus said...

Hi Shuttleworth, Hows things? You been out recently?

It was indeed quite a view and a real bonus that the weather came off as predicted. Later that day the whole area was covered in thick freezing fog.

A grade-A time.

Anonymous said...

Great video...certainly lucky with the weather.
When I went up there last year with my many layers on there were people up there in trainers and one guy was wearing shorts!
There was a lot of snow too!